动静Headline丨This Chinese Film is Seen as Oscar Darlings

2019-12-06 16:43


Good afternoon and welcome to DongJing Headline with me Pingping Chen. In today’s programme, let's turn to this year’s Oscar race. The best-picture list includes “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” and “The Irishman” as well as “Joker”,“Jojo Rabbit” and “The Farewell.” And The Farewell is the only Chinese-American movie. New York Times reports the film is the favourite to win the Oscar this year.

《别告诉她》(The Farewell),讲述的是在中国家庭中,家人设法向他们心爱的奶奶隐瞒她患了晚期癌症的消息。在整个电影中,从小在美国长大的孙女比莉一直在挑战她的家庭,她同意保守这个秘密,但是内心是不认可的。这是一种文化差异,也是全片的看点。

The movie is about the members of a Chinese family who try to keep their grandma from learning about her cancer. Throughout the film, the granddaughter Billi repeatedly challenges her family. She agrees to keep the secret but, at heart, disagrees with the decision. This is a kind of culture differences. It is also the focus of the film. 


The New York Times commented that this is a family lie behind the Chinese affection. Jeff Mio, a professor of multicultural psychology at California Polytechnic State University, said Asians tend to have indirect communication, Eastern philosophy emphasizes balance and harmony, what’s not said is more important than what's said.

Anywany, the film was released in America last year and received a lot of positive reviews from the media and audiences. The 92nd Academy Awards will be announced in February. Let's look forward to it.

That’s for now. Thank you for join me, have a nice weekend. See you next time.